Friday, November 16, 2007

You think you have it tough

My boss and good friend is having it much tougher than I ever could. Her husband has cancer and has been out of work for about two years. He works in the medical area and can't be around any germs. Their first attempts of beating it didn't work so he is now in Boston. Insurance only covers about 1/2 so they have signed over their 401's to pay the medical. That of course doesn't cover the travel expenses of gas and hotel and food. To top of this he hasn't had a paycheck in two years because they didn't have long term insurance. I don't have it, probably most people don't. It makes you think, maybe it would be a good idea. If it happened to my husband and had to choose 401 or his life - hum... There is no choice.

I think how tough I have it with headlice and stomach bug and then think of my friend, how lucky I am we are all healthy.

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