Monday, April 28, 2008


When you work in a place with Cubicals you are bound to hear EVERYONE's conversations. Now with cell phones it seems that people are having conversations everywhere including the bathroom - yuk.

Today I heard someone on their phone talking as they walked by my cube and I heard. "I think we have an issue the dog food. It was making noise." I didn't hear any more and wanted to hear the rest of the conversation.

When you hear someone talking around you and it sounds like a subject you would like to join in on, do you? Is it considered disrespectful? I never know. When I hear my boss talking to someone I think it is something personal and I really don't want to hear it I get up and leave. It is hard when we don't have "real walls". There are times you hear things you aren't sure if the people realize you are just on the other side of the "wall". If you do hear things you were not the intended I guess you don't want to pass it along, it might get you in trouble.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tagged - List

M's Mom tagged me but I didn't see on my blog but here's my answers.

Five things in each of the following categories:
10 years ago, I was:
1. Living in Brewerton, NY 2. Raising my daughter was wasn't even one yet. 3. Working at a
different company 4. Still on a bowling league 5. making Christmas ornaments
Today’s to do list:
1. Make dinner 2. Help kids with homework 3. Try to pick up the house 4. Run 3 miles
5. Ride bikes with kids
Snacks I enjoy:
1. m&ms 2. Homemade cookies 3. Yogurt bars 4. Apple pie 5. Popcorn
If I was a billionaire, I would:
1. Pay off my debts 2. Give all my family some 3. Travel 4. Invest lots for kids college
5. Buy land for house in NY and maybe West Virginia
My bad habits:
1. Talking to much 2. Trying to do to much 3. Volunteering to much 4. Negative opinion
5. Losing my patients
Places I’ve lived:
1. Hampton, VA 2. Silver Spring, MD 3. Massena, NY 4. Liverpool NY 5. Brewerton NY
Jobs I’ve had:
1. Seamstress 2. Baker 3. Store Clerk 4. IT trainer for Navy 5. CIO for Air Force

Laugh at ones-self

When we go on trips I sometimes let my boys use my MP3 player. We went to Rochester last week and the first day I ran by myself was the other day so I got out my MP3 player and went off. When I hit about the 3 mile mark I noticed the same song has been playing all this time. I didn't even notice. I was so concetrated on the hills and bettering my time I didn't even notice. It was just so funny. Maybe I don't really need the music - I must not of been listening to it anyway! It was just so funny.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Will I lose my nail?

I ran ~9 miles on Saturday and my toe hurt a little. It wasn’t that bad that I remembered it later. On Sunday I went running my required 4 miles and my toe hurt. Since I was already out running it was a little late to go back and trim it. By Sunday evening my toe was red and swallen. I trimmed the nail even though it didn’t seem it was very long. I put Neosporin and a bandage over it but it kept me awake all night. It felt a little better on Monday but is still sore to touch it. Tuesday it is again still sore but getting better. I have to run tonight and am worried will it make it worse again. Should I go out and buy new sneakers? The ones I have now are only a couple months old but are not the kind I usually buy – I went cheaper this time. I only spent $60 instead of my normal $80+. Maybe it was a mistake.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another weekend

I ran with my best two running buddies on Saturday and did my longest run ever. Of course I think every weekend from now until the Marathon will be my longest run ever. We did nine miles/or about nine. I was exausted but felt good. My toe is killing me now. I think either I need new sneakers or needed to cut my nail. I guess it is time to get new sneakers anyway. Don't buy cheap ones. These were just a little cheaper but didn't last me as long and not as comfortable. It is isn't worth it in the end.

I spent the rest of Saturday shoveling mulch. I am surprised/but not that I am not sore at all. I was a bit sore all over on Sunday but M dragged me out running and we did a good stretch after and I feel much better. I was glad she came over or I might not of gotten out there to do our 4 miles that was on our schedule. I feel good that we did it.

The weather was great so it was nice letting kids use sprinkler and bathing suits. I forget how messy and dirty the house gets from it. Oh well the house will stand and the kids had fun. Keeping busy makes you sleep well. Just another weekend of many I hope for the spring/summer.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Strong Museum in Rochester

"Strong National Museum of Play, in Rochester was ausome the other day. We paid the extra and took the kids through the butterfly room. The room is temp/humidity controlled with oodles of butterlies. They are just everywhere. It was great for me, I really like it. By the end of our time (not sure but think it is only 10 minutes) I was so hot with heavy jeans on. The humidity is pretty high for the butterflies. My son got a nose bleed during this and we were asking everyone for tissues, no one had any. I saw a couple with a stroller so I had my daughter ask for wet wipe - that worked great. We had just a couple minutes left and my daughter wanted to go. She didn't like the heat. She wears short sleeves all year round so I am not surprised the heat bothered her. I would do it again. I had a butterfly the attendant had to remove from my shoulder before we left the room. We did that first thing in the morning and had the rest of the day for the rest of the place. We spent about six hours and were not bored at all. It is fun for any age I think. I can't wait to do it again.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Child Labor or not to use Child Labor

The kids are playing and my hands are getting blisters from raking. Do I buy more rakes and make them help this weekend? I finally retired the rake after three hours. I did not run tonight but got a good workout in the yard. Now my kitchen floor is so bad I don't even want to walk on it because of all the dirt that has been carried in. I got out our floor vacuum and my youngest boy (A) is taking care of the floor. I feel a little bad that I am sitting doing this while he is "working". He is however singing "1,2,3 Like a Bird I sing..." so maybe he finds it fun. My Dad used to say if you hum or sing that means you are happy.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mountain Goat & Small World

Mountain Goat Training:
Saturday was a great race day. D was so nice and ran with me during our Mountain Goat training. It was a 6.5 run that I was supposed to do at 10K race pace. It helped having her Vic to see our time and speed. We started out way to fast at something like 9 minute mile. D has great stories (like M) to help pass the time and let me forget that I can’t breath. I PR’d. I think I did something like 10.5 minute mile which is darn good. My only other 10K race was the Bud run last fall where I did 11:15 pace (I had to look it up). I am so happy with this time. It is great. The weather was nice and sunny, I was sleeveless and warm – for Syracuse that is great.

Small World:
We always seem to talk about how small a world it is. D was telling me how her high school principle used to drive around and catch kids skipping school and she was caught once, she remembers him well. She went to something for work last week and ended having to speak with him. She remembered him but he did not remember her. Small world.

I have a brother that lives in Nashville and just started a new job. A year ago he came home for my parents 50th anniversary party and all the family camped on the family private property. We had about five or six campers, including Aunt/Uncle, parents, siblings, cousins. Anyway, the other day my brother went out to take a look at someone’s RV that was just towed in from the highway with a flat. Low and behold it was our Aunt & Uncle. The door was open so he walked in and the dog greeted him. Being a dog lover he remembered him from last summer and said hello to him by name. My Aunt and Uncle were just shocked to think someone in Nashville knows them when they live in Mississippi. It just shows what a small world it is.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Great Weekend

My weekend started off great and ended great and everything in-between was great.

My excellent friend offered to run my 8 miles with me instead of doing her pace workout she was supposed to do. It is the longest of ever run and I don't know if I would of done it without her. The Mountain Goat training we are doing was scheduled to only run 6.5 miles so we continued on after reaching the "end" to do MY additional 1.5. It was nice that D was able to show me her old stomping ground and hear some old stories. The run in the city is beautiful with all the architecture. I must of been an architect in my past life.

The sun came out later and I raked the yard in the nice warm sun. My husband made a great dinner and I fell into bed totally exausted that night.

Sunday I was still in my bathrobe at 10:00am which usually never happens. I again worked in the yard and packed up the kids later to go to a park near the city. I ran for a little with kids on their bikes and walked a bit with my husband, on the one of the best spring days I can remember. Dinner at my in-laws was as norm but seemed better with having had a great weekend.

After putting the kids to bed, I again fell into bed and finally shut off the light at 9:30pm. I should of run with my friend D on Sunday morning but thought I would slow her down. Now that I found out that my friend M didn't run with her I feel bad that I didn't. Next time D - sorry.

I hope this is just the start of a great spring/summer we will have and deserve in Upstate NY.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

8 Miles down only 5 more to go!

Can't believe I did it. I ran 8 miles today and lived to tell it. I guess maybe I am on my way to being ready for my 1/2 marathon. My friend D was offered to run the Mountain Goat training with me today so I didn't have to do it by myself. I can always thank both D and M for keeping me going. They both just talk on all the way. I definitely recommend finding some good friends that are better runners than yourself so they can keep you going when you can't even talk because of exaustion. I thank you D and M for helping me along.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Seasoned Runner now?

I've run in the snow with yak tracks now. I ran a race with salt on the roads (if you are from a snowey area you know what I mean, not household salt!). I ran a race where they ran out of water because it was so warm. I've ran even when I really had to go to the bathroom. I've run in the rain. I did start out running one day with M when it was 20 degree out. We got up to the corner, the wind hit me, and I just stopped. I said I couldn't do it. M thought I was joking - I was not. We turned back and went running later that day. But now I am seasoned because I took a fall during the our Mountain Goat training Saturday. Does this mean I am ready for a 1/2 marathon - NOT!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Eye problems?

I can't see close up anymore. Someone commented that my eyes are just old. So if my eyes are old does that make the rest of me old? Most everyone in my family wears glasses except me. Three of my siblings wore them from the time they were in 1st grade. I wonder if my children will need them. Have there really been studies on if eye problems are carried down from your parents or just your luck of the draw? Do carrots really help. Speaking of carrots, my husband bought some organic carrots that are white. They taste absolutely the same. Is the orange pigment added for people or what?