Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As I eat another sugar cookie my lovie daughter was so nice enough to make today while I was at work I ponder: Will my workout be enough to make up the difference of eating all those cookies? Will shovelling the walk and drive burn off more of those wonderful calories? How can I avoid these wonderful temptations. I should of told her NO when she called and asked if she could make cookies. As much as I love her learning things in the kitchen couldn't she make a dish that would not temp me so much? It sure is tough. Maybe it will be easier when the weather starts getting nicer and I can kick them outside and get them out of my kitchen.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Can I be meaner? Should I be meaner? Is meaner even a word? Are my kids brats? Are they spoiled? Who really thought it would be this tough being a parent of 3 kids? What the heck, I'm going to exercise and clear my head.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Is swimming exercise?

I took the three kids to the gym to use our pool which is open on Sundays. Unfortunately the pool is 4ft everywhere and my youngest just isn't quite tall enough to be ok on his own. He is old enough to be dangerous. I did find time to do a couple laps and wow I felt it on my knee. Maybe I will try at least once a week to add it to my schedule. I guess I can handle once a week, wet swimming suit/hair in the middle of winter isn't on the top of my list of to-do's. Well got to go play Blokus with my youngest. Dinner is in the oven, what better thing to do.

Monday, February 8, 2010

1st Run of the Season??

Not exactly running. After much therapy, surgery, recovery, and therapy I am up and about but NOT running. I did my first 5k of the season and was pleased with the 48 minute time walking time. I did a 5k last fall in 40 minutes (walking as well) but I did not want to hurt my knee yesterday and it did hurt going down one of the hills. It felt great getting out there again (only if you are runner would you agree with that!). I have to admit I am way out of shape. I was glad my friend L who kept me at a good pace or I would of pushed myself more and did some damage. Today I am sore all over but my knee seems to of come out stronger.

It has been a while since my last race and forgot to bring gloves and since the temp was a bommy 8 degrees I saw a drug store and it had a rack of gloves. After 2 second search I found two pairs for a whopping $2.08 with tax. I knew it was going to be a good day when you get such a deal. I wore both pairs together!

It was great going to and from a race with my two running buddies. It almost made me think spring (if I closed my eyes and forgot about the four layers I was wearing). I haven't been out running with my friend D, and I can't bike while she runs right now unless I could put studs on my wheels (humm...). So I am sort of glad running season is already starting. I however am sort of not glad running is season is coming upon us since I still CAN'T run. A little at a time. I try to remind myself I had major knee surgery but I am impatient (spelled right?).

Oh, I forgot the best part of the day. We wore the best hats L made for all three of us. Everyone complemented us on our festive attire. With our snowmobile Underarmer neck guards and the very nice hats we were all cozy and warm (as one can get in 8 degree weather). It was a great day and we did get a little chili at the end.