Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As I eat another sugar cookie my lovie daughter was so nice enough to make today while I was at work I ponder: Will my workout be enough to make up the difference of eating all those cookies? Will shovelling the walk and drive burn off more of those wonderful calories? How can I avoid these wonderful temptations. I should of told her NO when she called and asked if she could make cookies. As much as I love her learning things in the kitchen couldn't she make a dish that would not temp me so much? It sure is tough. Maybe it will be easier when the weather starts getting nicer and I can kick them outside and get them out of my kitchen.


bbmom said...

Cookies two more times, then she has to start making dinner. You're at work, she's in the kitchen, helloooo!

Anonymous said...

It's an incredible sacrifice, but I like you a lot so here goes: i will be a martyr and trade you one celery stick for one homemade sugar cookie.

You're welcome.