Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tagged - List

M's Mom tagged me but I didn't see on my blog but here's my answers.

Five things in each of the following categories:
10 years ago, I was:
1. Living in Brewerton, NY 2. Raising my daughter was wasn't even one yet. 3. Working at a
different company 4. Still on a bowling league 5. making Christmas ornaments
Today’s to do list:
1. Make dinner 2. Help kids with homework 3. Try to pick up the house 4. Run 3 miles
5. Ride bikes with kids
Snacks I enjoy:
1. m&ms 2. Homemade cookies 3. Yogurt bars 4. Apple pie 5. Popcorn
If I was a billionaire, I would:
1. Pay off my debts 2. Give all my family some 3. Travel 4. Invest lots for kids college
5. Buy land for house in NY and maybe West Virginia
My bad habits:
1. Talking to much 2. Trying to do to much 3. Volunteering to much 4. Negative opinion
5. Losing my patients
Places I’ve lived:
1. Hampton, VA 2. Silver Spring, MD 3. Massena, NY 4. Liverpool NY 5. Brewerton NY
Jobs I’ve had:
1. Seamstress 2. Baker 3. Store Clerk 4. IT trainer for Navy 5. CIO for Air Force

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the link thing getting messed up--my bust, I forgot my password!! We'd love to see you on land in WV, and you are a sew-er, too! Thanks for participating! Love.