Thursday, May 8, 2008

Die-hard Runner?

I did finish the Mountain Goat (10 miles - 1 hr 58 minutes) and felt pretty good until about 5 minutes after the race and thought I was going to pass out. I spent the rest of the day between the couch and the bathroom. I even ran a fever of 104. Not sure if it was the race or a bug that I picked up. My husband asked me “So are you ready for the ½ marathon?). My husband was sick later that day (payback). I hope it was just a bug because the ½ marathon is just around the corner now and I don’t want to be that sick again. I do have to say I would not have done as well without M helping me. She kept me going.

D, M and I did a workout in the rain last night. We went to the schools track to attempt our 9x400 @ 5K pace; D had to do 800’s. We also brought along six kids, bike, gloves, and balls (yes we are crazy). It started out great and then started to drizzle then started poring about our 7th loop. Then we caught the kids playing in the long jump pit which of course is yucky from the rain. We made it home all wet but no complaints and I really think the kids had fun. At least it wasn’t real cold. This is what memories are made from.

I guess this means I am a die-hard runner now when I even drag my kids out in the rain?


mryonker said...

Indeed. You are die-hard. And fun to run with!!

I love my running buds.

Anonymous said...

I must admit that today while telling this story to colleagues, I got several pained looks. I guess that grown women who haven't the sense to get in out of the rain are cause for concern. But while we were training, your nemesis was growing weaker!! Bwa, ha, ha!!