Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sugar is cheaper than Water

So am I cheap? We went to a hockey game with three boys and found soda was cheaper than a bottle of water. No, the water was not special. It was just like any other water bottle. It should of been a re-usable bottle wrapped in gold for the price they wanted. I actually let the boys have soda instead of spending $3.25 for WATER. I am talking WATER people. I just don't get it. Even the cotton candy was cheaper than the water at $3.00. So in the wonderful world we live in, it is cheaper to give your children lots of sugar and then claim they have some disorder and put them on medicine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We always called soda "sugar water" and rarely let the kids drink it - just a couple times a year at birthday parties. And somehow they STILL seem to have strange disorders and should probably be put on meds! ;O)