Sunday, November 30, 2008

Things to Do not Enough time to do them all.

After four short days off I dread going back to work. Why is it Sunday evenings seem so depressing as you think over the weekend you didn't get as much done as you hoped? This time of course with four days off. I have been sick all four but have no choice to go to work tomorrow so it even makes it harder.

We traveled three hours to visit my parents for Thanksgiving and returned a day later. Then the next day we traveled 1 1/2 hrs to a hockey game. My younger son (5) asked me how many different states we were in this weekend. I had to tell him we never left our wonderful state of NY. Snow was always in our travels but we have snows on our car and made the all our travels with no incidents.

I managed to hang the Christmas lights on the outside of the house this weekend, one morning when I still had a little energy. They look great all turned on. I really am not ready for Christmas but I know I have get prepared, it will be here before I know it.

I will be off work for two weeks during Christmas and if I'm not sick maybe I can finish a few things on my list but must make time for the kids. I already promised my oldest son to go sledding somewhere.


Anonymous said...

I hear you, J. Where the hell DID the weekend go?!

Oh...that's right - Thanksgiving/wedding/Girl Moose's visit from college...
I'd remind you to take time to smell the roses, but unfortunately they're all buried beneath a foot of snow!

Hope you feel better!! :)

Anonymous said...

Write something, J, I miss you!!