Sunday, October 26, 2008

How People Shape us

My running buddy D was saying how one person at a race talked her right into her next marathon only a month after her last. She qualified for Boston at it and that person doesn't even know she did that for D. We went camping over the summer and our camping neighbors were from Canada and could not speak much English but made immediate friends with my youngest son A. The gentleman went to the pool with us one day had the kids all laughing and playing. He gave A a wood necklace and he still has it and he remembers his friends from Canada. Today before running the Bagel Race I really remembered running it with my so very good friend M last year even with her terrible cold. My older boy S hurt his brother and left a great note before bedtime with a dollar, it said "Dear A, I am vary Sory,heere, Love S." I was so touched more than my little son A, so I had to keep the note and wrote a little note to go with it explaining the reason. Someday it may make a difference in their lives.

It just amazes me how the little things people do can change your life and who you are. Sometimes they don't even know they've done it. Of course, you always hope the little things are for the better but of course not always. Just remember, even going to the grocery store could change someone's life so always smile and be positive.


Anonymous said...

SO true!

Anonymous said...

So true!

Anonymous said...

You ARE a philosopher!! SO true!!
(btw, great bagel costume on the moose!!)