Sunday, October 12, 2008

Beautiful Fall

I ran for the first time since my 1/2 marathon. My knee hurt but today it seems to be ok. I am just surprised how sore I am. I only ran 3 miles and I ran it SOOOO slow - wow. It sure felt good. I was just in awe seeing all the changes in my neighborhood. The leave are at peak and it seems many people are excited about Halloween. The smell of fall, fresh apples, apple pies, falling leaves, chilly evenings, are just part of our culture and something one has to experience to believe. The few years I lived in the South it seemed they didn't have the dramatic change of seasons like we have.

My brother lives in Tennessee and his wife said she couldn't live somewhere where we have more winter than summer. I guess I hadn't thought about that. I would enjoy a little longer summer but I don't have enough pull with the big guy to get that. I guess I will have to make the best of what we have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That post makes me want to rake some leaves and bake an apple pie...or at least watch someone else rake leaves and thaw out a Mrs. Smith's. ;)