Friday, February 29, 2008

Surpise or not to Surprise

We went roller skating/roller blading last week and my middle son's roller blades were too tight so we rented roller skates instead. His friend Big J did circles around him with his roller blades and my poor son just didn't enjoy it. He kept saying he wants to go back when he gets new roller blades. My husband found some on EBay that came with pads and a backpack to put it all in (great idea). We surprised him with it the other night. He was so happy he gave my husband a big hug and he isn't the hugging type, it was a precious moment.

I put an envelope in my daughters folder this morning labeled "book order". She called me up and asked what books I ordered. I told her it would be a surprise. She hung up on me. I guess she must of woke up on the wrong side of the bed. She must not like surprises. She did call me back and I told her I ordered a number of books and I think she will be pleased with my selection. She still wanted to know.

I received a delivery of flowers from my husband at work last week and it really made my day. It was a great surprise.

So are there people that don't like surprises? I know there are times when you probably shouldn't surprise folks but I really like the little surprises.

Tonight I am taking my daughter out for a movie and dinner without her brothers, girls night out. So should I bring the boys something home as a surprise or does that set a precedence they will expect something every time and then it won't be a surprise?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Surprising someone is the bomb, but you're right about the precedent thing. They will always expect something if you start out that way. If this is going to be a regular thing (night out w/V), do it a couple of times first and THEN surprise the boys with gifts. That way it will be more special for V, and not seem like a guilty compensation to S&A. Love you!!