Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm supposed to run what?

I am starving and my abs hurt and I'm supposed to run what? This new years resolution thing is for the birds. I am just so glad my kitchen is void of sweets and the TV is off or else I would be pigging out watching whatever is on. Now I'm supposed to make dinner and run what? I'm having a little motivation issue today if you can tell. Why do runners even think of running marathons? Who was the crazy person that started this thing and why do more and more people do it? Why do we keep putting ourselves through such torture. For the pain of it? I just don't get it.

Well I better go make dinner for the kids a WW yummy dinner for me, and then change to run my mileage tonight. Think of me while you are pigging out in front of TV.


Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, J., I only managed to eke out TWO miles today. It was nearly dark by the time I got home from work, and I just didn't have it in me to do much more. (This, of course, just means that I'll be making it up this weekend with YOU, and working you like a dog. Sorry in advance, okay?)

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for you running people. We got ourselves a stationary cycle, and I can cover my 2 miles (I'm up to that, already!) in FRONT of the TV and eat chips at the same time!! 'Course, when it's snowy and/or total mud on the mountain, I still ride cause it's inside!

Anonymous said...

Bbmom: I would be falling over myself to congratulate you on the TWO MILES (Two miles?! That is seriously impressive!) but for that "eating chips" comment. But I totally get it - sometimes while running I am carrying food in both hands...and more in my bras...and fantasizing about what I'll eat when I get home.