Sunday, June 28, 2009


I've never watched the show Survivor but I think I just lived through it.

1) Mortared, cut tile, hung tile in kitchen (about 15 feet x 2 feet)
2) Cleaned up from mess
3) Setup a tent
4) allowed two of my kids friends to sleep over
5) Found time to watch a little TV before knocking off at 10:00pm

1) Mopped stairs, cleaned dining room, clean wine rack over refrig.
2) grouted kitchen wall
3) cleaned up mess from kitchen
4) got my daughter, my niece, and my ear's pierces (2nd holes)
5) Setup another tent
6) made cupcakes and frosting
7) allowed five of my kids friends to sleep over
8) Found the energy to give my hubby some attention AND watch a little TV before knocking off at 12:30am

1) Went grocery shopping at 7:00am
2) bought pop-tarts for all eight children that slept at my house last night
3) made deviled eggs, homemade mac-n-cheese
4) cleaned kitchen again, setup for a party
5) had an afternoon quicky to keep the hubby happy
6) Picked up birthday cake
7) made dinner for 17 adults/children
8) Ate dinner BEFORE the rain hit.
9) Sang happy birthday, took pictures.
10) Cleaned up from party

1) Survived to tell this tail. Feet are very sore, eyes are burning from lack of sleep, back pain is just unbearable, my hands are dry like sandpaper. I think I got another grey hair. I think I lost four or five pounds. It is 7:45pm now. I am left with only the five humans, two cats, and two hermit crabs. Can I go to bed before the kids? Even the cats are sleeping.

No one was seriously injured in the making of this long weekend. We did however have a loss of many bandages to cover the bug bites from the children playing outside after dark. No major cuts from cutting tile with a sharp wet cutter that is more a eating machine. All interested parties are warned to NOT try this at home for it may be hazardous to your health (especially Mental health).


mryonker said...

You're my hero, grrrrl. Dang. Stop making the rest of us look bad. :)

L. said...

Sleeeep. (Oh yeah- don't forget braaaiiinns...)

Jeez you must feel like a zombie about now. Sleep in. You know, like at a hotel (without the hubby). LOL

Anonymous said...


Now I'm gonna feel like such a loser when my own Saturday looks like this:

1) Stagger out of bed at 9:00 AM
2) Pour bowl of cereal, then retreat BACK to bed for reading/eating.
3) Wish really, really hard that J. would do some tile work in my kitchen. And make me deviled eggs, mac 'n cheese and cupcakes.
4) Realize that I'm still wearing pajamas at 2:00.
5) Say "Fuck it", because now it's almost bedtime anyway.
6) Call it a day.

bbmom said...

I'm hoping you slipped in that quicky because you needed it, and not because K was feeling neglected because you were paying more attention to the kids the food and the grout!!

And I disagree with M&D; they WANT to look bad--you can't make them.