Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Time passes so FAST

The past two weekends we have been spending most of our time outside staining the house. It is a lot of work but the house looks brand new. When we get the roof done it will be a big difference (we'll hire that out). I will have to take a picture. We even bought new lights for the porch and garage. With doing all the house work I didn't notice it is October already and have to get the kids ready for halloween. I've already been thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I am finally back into my normal schedule and life is good. The two - three weeks of nights I did really took me a bit to get back into my normal schedule again. I started back running after not two weeks of nothing. It was amazing how much work it was to just run 3 miles. I've been running on my own a bit lately because my friend M has been busy. It was nice I ran Sunday with M and D. The time goes so fast and we are always laughing. We manage to always find something to talk about while we watch the disappearing sheep, dogs, and our friendly window watcher.

The leaves are changing so fast, the smell of fall is so unique - I really love it except it reminds me that winter is on its way. I saw something today about 1932 or around there, Niagara Falls froze completely because the winter was so cold. I hope that never happens in my lifetime!

I've made something like 13 jars of applesauce and had a friend at work, a contractor that is here helping us that didn't know what applesauce is. I will have to fix up a small jar. Isn't strange how we assume everyone knows what we do. I've made four apple pies now and haven't froze any yet - I have to go apple picking again before it's to late.


mryonker said...

Your house does look brand new.

And, you are amazing for going with us to Albany. I'm so excited!!

Anonymous said...

I bet that person really DID know what appleasauce was, and they were just trying to score a sample from you. (This works really well on M.)
Me: "Enchiladas? Never heard of 'em."
M.: "Oh, here! You MUST take this enormous dish full of enchilada goodness."
Me: "Sweet! Keep 'em coming!"

And M. is right - you are amazing for accompanying us on our marathon journey. Next year how about you run it with us? You can do it!!!