Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So Sorry

Do you ever wish you hadn't said something. It happens to me probably more than some people because I talk too much and seem to put both feet in my mouth. It is my own fault and you would think I would learn. Last night a friend of my daughters wanted a combo of food that was very strange --- I don't remember what it was, something like ice cream and pickles. I said what are you pregnant - I instantly wanted to take it back. She is only 11, I was only referencing the food combo and she probably didn't get the reference. Of course earlier this week I did the same thing - stuck my foot in my mouth with the same girl/parents. I just hope the girl/parents can forgive me for my big mouth. I hate to think I am turning into my Mom. I will try harder not too!.

By the way, the Nutcracker with my daughters best friend H was awesome. It was the best show I've seen and I've seen the Nutcracker three times in Syracuse in the past three or four years. Of course having someone on stage you know really makes it even more special. And of course she did a great job. It must be a great experience to say "I was in the Nutcracker".

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

I've been busy baking, wrapping, shopping, singing Christmas songs, decorating, writing cards. Now, if my fireplace worked I would be ready for Christmas. I still have a little shopping to do and a little baking but the bulk of my getting ready for Christmas is done. I have left it up to my husband to figure out what is for Christmas Eve dinner so we haven't started any of that shopping but we have time.

V just got her braces yesterday and is very tired and sore. A is over tired these days because of a cold and poor S is just tired of all his homework. I thinkChristmas break will be good for all of us. I am tired of my sore back and finally went to the doctors for some drugs - hope they kick in soon but don't put me to sleep, not that I don't need it BUT I don't have time to sleep. They say sleep is over rated but I disagree, it is my favorite pass time.

Running - hum - I'm thinking about it. Diet - Hummmm - what is that?

Monday, December 10, 2007

Stages of Life

Life definitely has different stages and every one is unique. Of course if you are one that chooses to not have children you may skip a few of these stages. I think I am moving into a stage I have heard is one of the most difficult.

Youngster Stage, High school Stage, College Stage, Single Stage, Couple Stage, Married Stage, Babies Stage, Kids-Toddler Stage, Kids-Teenage Stage, Kids-college Stage, Kids moved out on their own Stage, Kids married Stage, Grandkid Stage, Retirement Stage, Dependent Stage
think I am between Kids–Toddler and Kids-Teenage stages. I left my daughter home alone for about a ½ hour the other day and she only called me twice – while I was running. I can’t say what stage I’ve enjoyed the most but I have definitely learned something from every stage. I am definitely not an expert in any of the stages and would not like to repeat them. I do look forward to the retirement stage some day. I try not to give parents advice in stages I have not been in yet. I do sometimes give parents ideas of things to try on stages I have been through. Do not potty train too soon, they will train you rather than you train them. Talk to your kids, someday they will talk back and then you wish you could get them to stop. Let them cry – it is good for their lungs and it’s payback for when they become teenagers and make you cry. Don’t let husband watch a toddler when sports are on. Definitely let kids know how much work they were when they were babies. Give lots of hugs and kisses because some day they will need to help you on the last stage! I probably missed a few stages but maybe someone will enlighten me of a stage I am not aware of yet!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Winter already?

It sure looks like winter outside my house even though the radio said it is still officially fall. The picture looks like something I should use on a postcard “Wish I wasn’t here”. By the way the evergreen tree you see next to the little snowman is really a dead tree my son S found when we were searching the Christmas tree farm. He actually asked one of the workers how much it cost. I thought he would laugh since it had not one needle on the whole thing. Anyway there it sits in our yard like it belongs. Only my son S would think of doing something like that. He definitely thinks the glass is ½ full. For S everything has possibility. As I was out freezing my toes last night hanging the lights on the front porch, he was laying down making a snow angel. It was a perfect evening last night. It wasn’t really too cold and it was lightly snowing and no wind. It would have been a beautiful evening to go for a run. Of course when I do have time and feel like going running it will be 20 below and windy. Only my good friend D is brave enough to go out in any weather. She should have been a mailman instead of a teacher.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let it Snow

M had a great plan to write why the snow is OK….Funny how our lists differ.

1. I tell the kids “Go out and Play in the snow, when you come in I will make hot chocolate”
This way I get the house without kids for a little bit. It is so peaceful.

2. Curl up with a blanket and watch It’s a wonderful life.

3. Turn on the fireplace and covet the TV to watch a movie.

4. Watch the kids make a snowman from the warm confy house.

5. The kids cute faces with red cheeks from the cold and wind. All bundled up so they can
barely move.

6. Not go out in the evening.

7. Excuse to make cookies – have to warm up the house.

8. Can leave all the food for Christmas dinner in the garage because it IS a cold storage
building. Animals won’t smell the food – it will probably freeze in a matter of minutes.

9. Snowmobiling

10. When you are having a bad hair day just leave the hat ON.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Thanksgiving Race

I forgot all about blogging this race we did. We had a whole slew of people and when I got to the race I saw people I knew from work also. I followed my good friend M to the race, speeding through some streets more than the speed limit! She had a full car with her Mom & Dad, D and her son, and I had my niece S. That was seven of us and we met my friend S there along with P who I knew would win something cause she is so fast.

It was cold and rainy but I think everyone enjoyed it. I ran with my friend S and visited the whole time. We at least met in the nice warm cafeteria of the school so we could warm up before and after the race. They had pizza which I was afraid would upset my stomach but D said it was great but couldn't get a second piece because it was gone already - it must of been good.

We had to wait around at the end for the prizes because of course D and P both won. They are lucky to be in different age groups. I will have to figure out if they will ever be in the same - I then would have to say D would be in big trouble. We were like the last ones to leave because the womens age group awards of course were the last and FORGOTTEN! Good thing all the women were hanging around waiting so the announcer said thanks to everyone for coming and all the women went running up - excuse me....

M did a great 5k run, she did not PR but they announced her as having won the 10k race. It was even in the paper and on the web that way. That is the way to do it, sign up for the 10k but run the 5k. They come in at the same time, same place so who would know. They didn't time us at the start so no way to tell.

We took a picture at the end but we had no one around (because we got out so late), my camera was in the car and so M took one picture and I took another. It was a nice run and I would do it again.

I don't think any of us PR'd, oh wait M's Mom & Dad might have. I did a very slow 35 minutes which is definitely was not my fastest or slowest. I did a nice jog with S so that was much more fun than trying to PR on this race. I will wait and PR when the weather is nice and less hills on the route.

I got home and K had started the turkey and the house smelled great. I started in on all the fixins and my parents showed up and the day was in full swing. It was a great Thanksgiving.
I really enjoyed M's whole family coming over for desert and drinks in the evening. I think there was only twelve of them and we had thirteen in my family. I was surprised I didn't feel crowded in the house. Everyone got along and had a nice time (at least I hope).

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good Years - Bad Years

My daughter has no problems in school but my middle son struggles. I believe he had sleep deprivation from the time he was a baby until his surgery when he was 2 1/2 to remove his adnoids. He finally slept through the night shortly after his surgery. Anyway, his teacher this year is making it a bad year for school. We spend at least an hour a day on homework. We even had a number of sheets during the holiday weekend when he is only in third grade. Many other of the parents are having problems with this teacher also. It sure makes getting home from work SOOOOO enjoyable. I certainly don't blame it all on the teacher but I know he does better when the teacher is more organized and can handle rumbunchious (spelling???) boys. I know of at least three other children in this same class that are struggling - I guess I won't expect straight A's or even B's this year. I just hope he doesn't lose his enjoyment for school and his willingness to try his best. I am sure the teacher is doing the best she can but it just doesn't seem fair for the kids that aren't perfect!

Tonight I screemed at the top of my lungs at my son because he couldn't remember a story the teacher read to them last week. Of course it was probably Monday or Tuesday and we had the holiday in between. If he couldn't do the three pages of homework then the teacher WILL (and has) given 0's. I just don't want him to fail because of not remembering. I sent a note to school asking the teacher if we could borrow the book or get a copy if it was short enough. I got no reply. The night before he was supposed to finish a page but it referenced a map we did not have. I see tonight we have the map so at least we can finish this. I sent one page of homework to school and she wrote on it "paragraph" and gave it back. So does this mean he has to rewrite it with paragraphs or is this just a note for us for the future. I have no idea. I usually end up calling one of the other Mom's to see what she thinks the teacher really wants us to do. She sent home spelling words this week (always hand written) with the word equiptment. I can see having a typo but.... Again this is going to be a bad year!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

little things

We were sitting down for dinner one night and my son S asks "Can you pass the Bustard?" He really meant mustard but we had passed him the butter just before. So now we pick on him, we will say Hey S, do you want some Bustard???. The other night I made croissants for dinner and again we were all sitting eating and S asked if he could have another casserole. I really lost it. S was so upset but it was so funny. These are the little things I am always saying I should right down to remember some day. When the kids are grown I will miss these little things.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Courteous and kind???

I went to three different stores today to get Thanksgiving stuff and a few other things we needed. I was really surprised how nice, patient, kind, and courteous everyone was. This includes the shoppers and the employees. I was thinking it was because I went early and people that were shopping weren't in as much of a rush as some folks that are stopping right after work. Usually we shop in the evening and it seems everyone is edgy and grumpy and rude.

I was very impressed with one cashier at Walmart that was so patient with an older women that seemed a little confused on how to pay with a credit card. I should of gotten her name and wrote to Walmart on her excellent customer service.

It is terrible that we are surprised these days when employees are patient and kind, and feel we need to reward them. It should be a norm but in this age it is the opposite. We tend to complain a lot more than we are to compliment.

One complaint for the day: I couldn't find the Cranberries because the store decided to move EVERY CAN to a display at the front of the store that NO ONE even walks by until you are LEAVING the store. OK - I got that off my chest.

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

It is amazing how much time it takes getting everything ready for Thanksgiving. I guess I could buy the pies and rolls, then it wouldn't take me long at all. I really like homemade so I guess I'll have to spend the time. I am going to make six pies tomorrow. I will get as much ready tomorrow so I don't have to spend all Thursday doing it. So instead, I will spend all Wednesday. So I will do all this work to be eaten in less than an hour. So why did I volunteer to do it? As much as I don't like to cook, I think I like my own food better than others. So since I am volunteering I can be sure I make what I like, the way I like it. K might smoke the turkey and I love the taste that way. So as much work as it is to get the smoker out of the shed it turns out so moist it is worth the work.

I am running in a race in the morning and hope to stay warm, who's idea was this anyway! My parents will be in about the same time I will be getting home. I expect my brother to be over some time in the afternoon. We will play a little cards and have a little drink and lots of food. I am hoping our friends M&B and their family will come over in the evening for desert and drinks. I

I don't think Thanksgiving is really about the turkey but more about getting together with friends and family. I wish everyone a very happy Turkey day and don't forget black Friday!

Friday, November 16, 2007

You think you have it tough

My boss and good friend is having it much tougher than I ever could. Her husband has cancer and has been out of work for about two years. He works in the medical area and can't be around any germs. Their first attempts of beating it didn't work so he is now in Boston. Insurance only covers about 1/2 so they have signed over their 401's to pay the medical. That of course doesn't cover the travel expenses of gas and hotel and food. To top of this he hasn't had a paycheck in two years because they didn't have long term insurance. I don't have it, probably most people don't. It makes you think, maybe it would be a good idea. If it happened to my husband and had to choose 401 or his life - hum... There is no choice.

I think how tough I have it with headlice and stomach bug and then think of my friend, how lucky I am we are all healthy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What a Week!

Our hamster died, our cat died, two kids have head lice again, my youngest is running a fever today and all three had coughs and runny noses. So, I cleaned up the hamster cage, made a grave stone, Berried the cat, shampooed the kids, did tons of laundry, gave the kids all medicine before bed, and fell into bed just after them. I am surprised I am still typing; even my fingers should be tired. I did manage to run with my friend D this weekend, change my bedroom around, took kids to the MOST, make homemade donuts, watched two movies, and help K try to finish the wood trim on the door. Did I tell you we are also getting our roof done? At least we aren't crazy enough to do that ourselves (ok we are, but we didn't!). My diet is shot to he.. but otherwise I think I am still in one piece and doing ok.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I've been tagged

I have been tagged by my friend M. I am such a novice on this and feel really terrible that even her Mom knows how to setup a link in her blog and I do not. But anyway, I will write about myself as M and her Mom have done.

1. Being a Mom is the greatest and I hope my kids feel they can talk to me about anything. I also hope to be able to say like M's Mom that they will feel I am their best friend.

2. Yes I am married. It does help being that I am trying to raise three children. We definitely have different personalities and that is good for a marriage and good for the kids to see and be used to. I sometimes forget to include K because I get to wrapped up with the kids. I often find myself talking about "BK" Before Kids. We had several years we were together before we had kids and life was a lot different. I would not change things at all and there are times we all get frustrated but I believe we are strong and having good friends that also have a good marriage that we sometimes go out without kids so we can remember we are still a couple.

3. I'm the "Man" as M and D call me. I usually say I can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. I don't even remember what commercial that was from. I can do many "manly" chores around the house and my best tools are my cordless drill and the circular saw and I really would love to have a compound miter saw.

4. The Baker in me. I can't cook - I admit it, seems like most everything I try to make turns out like Sh... but I can BAKE and unfortunately I love to eat what I bake. I love to try new recipes and change them at the same time. I love to bake for my friends so I don't have to eat it all myself.

5. Yes I work also. It sure makes it tough to do all the things I do at home but I don't know what I would do without it. I keeps my mind challenged and I get to work with some great people. Don't ask me how to do a crazy link on a blog but I can program a scanner for a very large company to receive their inventory - go figure!

6. Travel. I love to go places. I think I get really cabin fever in the winter because we go so long without going anywhere. Even going to Massena to visit the folks helps me. I guess that is why I like camping because it feels like getting away from home but still being comfortable in your own bed. I always want to go somewhere by spring time and it is hard to convince K that we "really" should go somewhere. I don't know why I am this way but it is just part of me.

7. Wow - 7. Yes I run with my crazy friends M & D. I used to run in high school and always felt it clears the mind and just makes you feel better overall. I thought how I would like to get back into and now that I've lost almost 60 pounds I can actually run up to 6 miles and not think it is a "Long" way to go. I am so happy to have friends both at home and work to help me keep going and not give up. 1/2 marathon here we come!

Ever have a pet funeral?

The first pet I lost was a cat and of course it was in the middle of winter and the ground was so frozen we couldn't dig a hole. I refuse to do like some crazy people and put it in my chest freezer so we took it to the vet and it cost us a fortune. All three of our fish died within days of each other but they just got flushed and the kids didn't make us have a funeral.

Well now Fuzzball has passed this life quietly onto better things. We dug a hole in the FRONT yard, a requested by my middle son. We also made a wood cross that said "RIP Here lies Fuzzball with his birth and death dates. I know my middle son is emotional and cried a bit a bed time but otherwise was pretty good about it - it was his pet after all. The other two didn't seem to care at all. My youngest just went back to playing the computer game after we told him. They did however all attend the funeral. How long before he wants a new pet?

I do have to admit I like the absence of animals to have to deal with when we go away on trips. Now we are only left with three cats. Two are 18 and one looks like skeleton with bones. I actually washed his feet the other day because he isn't washing himself anymore. It is really a tough decision to put them down or not. They've lived this long, what's a few more. I do not plan on getting any more when the two older ones goes. One is just enough and I don't think she will mind being an only child.

I guess this is the life of a mother.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The things we catch

I blame it on school. My kids have been healthy all summer. Two have had head lice and two have had the stomach virus going around. I feel sorry for my daughter who was the lucky one so far to have both. I am waiting for the stomach virus to go through the rest of the family as it did for my brother's family. Two different things already and it isn't even Thanksgiving yet. Can't wait for the rest of the year!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Fun Halloween

We had a nice time with friends and family. It sure makes it busy the way we do it, but I don't think I would change it. Maybe next year I can talk my niece into handing out candy since this year she trick-or-treated but didn't even wear a costume. I really don't like that. Seems like if you can go beg for candy you should at least look silly.

I posted our "team" picture but my hair was really pretty bad. I hope it doesn't look like that all the time and I just don't realize it. I hope it was that I was having a really bad day.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Just Another Day

Had to set my alarm on Sunday to be sure to be up by 7:00. D and M were going to be at my house at 8:15 for yet another race. I of course scurry around the house picking up the messes left from the night before - not sure why because more will be there by the time I get back. D & M are always right on time so I don't finish my breakfast and head out the door with the new halloween costumes I made for the three of us. I don't think D's son was upset I didn't make one for him. D & M didn't mind even wearing them - that was pretty good. At least I didn't cover their faces or make them wear wigs or makeup. We were all M&M's. The race was a nice run but truely not one you can 'PR' as they call it, since we had to wait for other running, take turns passing folks, slow down for the very slippery bridges which I think one was a mile long. It was however fun and Me and M stayed together and chatted. I felt really impressed with M when she asked me how I was doing as she ran with a box of tissues - always thinking of every one else. It started raining at the end of the race but we were in the woods at that time so didn't really get any of it. After we finished we found out it was hail and it decided to do it again a little later. It was a nice run, my friend P who joined us for the race took first place in her age group and D took first in hers (they were in different groups). M and I are just there for the bagels!. We did a quick trip to the mall and home. I did an even quicker trip in the shower to head to walmart for a bday gift and Chuck-e-cheese for a party. After that back to Walmart for snacky foods for an evening with my parents. Rush home and hope to pick up the house again but not in time for my parents and brother and his family to walk in the door. My Mom was so nice to comment how I didn't pick up my pile of cloths off my bedroom floor. Of course she is referring to my stanky cloths from my early run. I was planning on throwing them in the wash but just didn't have time. That is the life of a "Fast" paced Mom. I am sure M can relate and D and P have been through it also! I fixed things for lunch and at 8:30PM when the chillens should be fast asleep counting sugar plums, my oldest comes down and says Mom I need index cards for school tomorrow - hence a third trip to Walmart. It cost me more in gas for those darn index cards than they cost to buy them. You think she could of mentioned it the other two times we were there ---- NOOOO.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


There are so many things I can do, but much more I can't. I am also not strong in many areas - don't ask me about names of actors/actresses or movie titles (although I love watching them). I love music but can't tell you artist's names. I can't knit or crochea, play piano, can't do electric, or plumbing. I really would love to knit or play piano some day but as for the others - not really interested. I think the more you know how to do something the more you get involved in doing them. I am the trick of all trades but the master of none. I guess my best would be baking. I think I learned to sew out of neccessity. That is probably how many people learn the things they know how to do. Probably how most men get into doing car work. I find with sewing I have to be in the mood. I think I like making costumes because they are fun and enjoyable when done. Baking - I could do it every day and I don't think I would get bored or out of the mood. I guess you call that a passion. So now I am off to make costumes for myself and my running buddies - it will be funny when we are running the "Halloween Run" on Sunday. I don't know how we will have a good pace - we will be laughing all the way to the finish - since it is only a 5K.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Eastwood is very pretty in the fall

The 1st Annual Eastwood Park-to-Park Autumn Run was great. It was a 5 mile run through Eastwood. They even had chips. They were only for the finish but that was a lot better than no chips at all that I've done on some races this summer. The run was beautiful since we were at peak for our fall colors but the path brought us by some beautiful houses and the volunteers and folks that cheered us on were the most I've seen for any race. The hills were the ONLY downfall, I would do this race again in a minute - well maybe in a few weeks. I have to admit I have thank D for helping me have a much better pace than I would have on my own. She tries to tell us she doesn't push but she does - those darn long legs, she just can't help it. If M or I needed to slow down I am sure she would have but I think she pushed us just enough. M asked me a couple times if I was ok, maybe I looked hot, it was very thoughtful but I was to winded to say thank you then, but thank you M for your support. The weather was absolutely beautiful and I don't think I've ever seen such blue skies in October. I just wanted to sit in the grass and enjoy the warm sun the rest of the day but at last M said it was time to go. Oh, and our time was 54 minutes which I am so happy with (even with hills!). I look forward to next fall and doing this again.

P.S. I blogged my race because M and D said I had to. I am glad I did. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Dreams of Lice!

Talk about no spare time. The dreaded phone call from the school nurse to tell you your child has head lice has to be the worst. All the work involved runs through your mind. What ever you do, do not, I repeat, do not, look at lice under the magnifying glass. You will have dreams that truly haunt you. And to think these monsters were in my children's hair and in my house. I have not slept well in since the phone call. I am not embarrassed by it, but hated to call my friends and family to tell them. How is it that only two of my children ended up with it, who knows. Are the little beast particular or was my middle child just darn lucky. I was lucky enough to take a few days off work to keep doing laundry. I managed to go running this morning but just wasn't in the mood, my son keeps waking up at night, not sure why yet - is he having nightmares???

I am so worried that we can't get rid of these things. After spending two hours untangling my daughters hair which must be at least a foot long (I don't think I'm exaggerating). The first day back to school the nurse couldn't find anything in her hair, did I do all that cruel and inhuman treatment for nothing! The second day the nurse said she pulled two eggs out, did I say her hair is a foot long. So how am I supposed to find two eggs. So the question is now what should I do every morning to try to make sure they wonderful critters eggs don't hatch and we start the cycle all over again???? I am having so much fun. Boys are so much easier - I must thank whoever invented clippers.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Another Day

I've been busy lately from morning to night, with very little time to watch TV or read. I hit the pillow and start falling asleep after only a couple minutes. I think I watched about an hour of TV over the weekend and did start a new book - I think I'm still in the first chapter but I did start it.

This past weekend the family went to the Apple Fest and it was very nice. Then after shopping for hours - hockey gear and house maint stuff our day was gone. I spent the day in Albany with M and D. It was a very nice time. I would do it again, it was great watching them in pain!

Monday was a blur as some days go. I finally got to some of the apples we picked last week, and made a whole whopping five jars of applesauce last night. If the kids didn't like it so much I don't know if I would do that. I figure it took me about two hours, granted not full time but to only make five jars. I guess that is the thing about canning anything, it takes lots of time but it is cheap if you don't count your time. I think my time really should be counted since I have so little spare time, so if you figure $10 an hour, that is cheap. Those tasty jars cost about $4 a jar. I guess mass producing is definitely cheaper but my kids don't like store bought apple sauce.

I have so many things on my to-do list that are piling up on my. It always seems to happen in the fall. I am not sure if it is because school is back in and the kids start all their activities and the paperwork they bring home is just unreal. I still have to finish staining the house - started what a month ago it seems. I have one of six shutters primed - not even painted yet. Now of course it is a race with the weather. I have to do it between rain showers. How do I paint them outside with all the godzillion leaves that will be coming off my godtriplezillion trees in my yard?

I always seem to take on more than I can chew - doesn't everyone? I do think my friend M takes on more than I do but seems to come out smelling like roses in the end. Some day when our kids are grown we will look back and say "Dang, I can't believe we did all those things and rose decent kids" - or at least I hope we can say that. I may not have any hair or teeth left by the time that day ever comes around but I will probably still be running!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Time passes so FAST

The past two weekends we have been spending most of our time outside staining the house. It is a lot of work but the house looks brand new. When we get the roof done it will be a big difference (we'll hire that out). I will have to take a picture. We even bought new lights for the porch and garage. With doing all the house work I didn't notice it is October already and have to get the kids ready for halloween. I've already been thinking about Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I am finally back into my normal schedule and life is good. The two - three weeks of nights I did really took me a bit to get back into my normal schedule again. I started back running after not two weeks of nothing. It was amazing how much work it was to just run 3 miles. I've been running on my own a bit lately because my friend M has been busy. It was nice I ran Sunday with M and D. The time goes so fast and we are always laughing. We manage to always find something to talk about while we watch the disappearing sheep, dogs, and our friendly window watcher.

The leaves are changing so fast, the smell of fall is so unique - I really love it except it reminds me that winter is on its way. I saw something today about 1932 or around there, Niagara Falls froze completely because the winter was so cold. I hope that never happens in my lifetime!

I've made something like 13 jars of applesauce and had a friend at work, a contractor that is here helping us that didn't know what applesauce is. I will have to fix up a small jar. Isn't strange how we assume everyone knows what we do. I've made four apple pies now and haven't froze any yet - I have to go apple picking again before it's to late.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Did I say I have an excellent husband? This is one thing we did talk about when M and I were running the crazy 10K. I don’t tell my husband enough how much I do appreciate him. The past couple of weeks he has been watching the kids and working on getting the house ready for staining. My crazy schedule certainly hasn’t made it easy. He hasn’t complained at all when I’ve asked him to do something when I’ve been tired. I really shouldn’t complain when he puts his dirty dishes in the sink instead of the dishwasher – it is so minor compared to all the things he does do. Now if we can just decide on the color of stain, we’ll be ready to go.

OK enough gloating about my great husband. I also wanted to say what great friends M & B are. They gave me a watch for my birthday. It is big enough to read. My eye site isn't as good as it used to be, I guess I'm getting older - aren't we all!. It has seconds on it so when I am running I know how much of a minute is really left. It is also waterproof which as a runner eventually you get rained on. It is a great gift.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Another Day at the Zoo

Working midnight shift brings back memories of my college days - yuk. It is much tougher now trying to juggle kids, homework, dinner, groceries, etc.. Today I woke up refreshed after only 5 ½ hrs of sleep. I worked a while on a nice dinner of chicken fried rice which only one of my kids liked. Then I had to help with homework, fight V to practice piano, only to head to work early. Poor K had to take V to piano and put all three to bed without me – which he hates to do. Did I mention I am running my first 10K on Saturday morning and haven’t run in about two weeks? My body might go in shock or fall asleep – which ever comes first. I could not do this 10K but I’ve had this planned all summer and I’m not going to change it. I’ll make it, it won’t be a great time but my goal as my friend M says, is to finish. This way, I can better my time another day.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Summer is Over!

I really enjoyed camping more this year. I am not sure if it is because the camper makes it easier, or if because the kids are older they are more independent. Maybe because I’ve lost weight, I have more energy. No matter, it was a good summer. We went to Letchworth State Park, Darien Lake Amusement Park, Old Forge Water Park, Watkins Glen State Park, and managed a week and a half in Massena camping for my parents 50th. I don’t know how I managed to work full time. I wonder, maybe I spoil my kids by doing all this during the summer.

My Dad asked me the other day, “What do you remember about camping?” I answered “Playing softball at Coles Creek State Park”. He smiled and laughed. It brought back a flood of memories for both of us. I hope my kids will have some great memories like I have of our summers together.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Race

This was my fourth 5k (my first was in June - with a time of 35:02). I was hoping to break my record of 32:10, I really wanted a 10 minute mile. It always seems I take off faster than I should at a race because Everyone else takes off fast. Then I have to stop or slow down to catch my breath. When I got to the 1st mile mark someone was giving us the time. The person read off 8 1/2 minutes. I knew I was going way to fast. Especially when I was hoping for a 10 minute mile. So I slowed down a little so I wouldn't be to tired at the end. The turn around was at the 1 1/2 mile mark (approximately). I had been watching for my niece S and didn't see her until the turn around. I was surprised to see her just a little ahead of me, maybe she was tired. I kept going. I was actually catching up with S. I caught up with her around the 2 mile mark. I told her "You aren't going to let your Aunt beat you are you?". She took off and started going faster, I knew I couldn't keep up so I just kept back. I was really hoping to cross the finish under 30 minutes. I figured it would be hard since the last race I did I did it 32:10 and that was my best time. So if I was going to have to cut two minutes off my time, which is really hard. Well I kept watching S running just a little bit ahead of me. I tried to pick up my pace at the end - I usually can a little but I was just so tired I just couldn't go any faster. I could hear someone telling the runners the time and was just open jawed when I was hearing 27 minutes. I crossed the finish at 28:38. I was just amazed. S was 28:07 (I think). So she only beat me by 30 seconds. She better watch out next time!

Friday, August 17, 2007


I missed my girlfriend S today, when I wanted to go out for lunch but didn't have anyone to go with. Where would I be without my friends? I know I have M to run with at least a couple times a week and of course D would go anytime also. I have T that I know I can give her a call and talk for a minimum of 30 minutes. How do our friends shape our lives? I bought a pack of breathsavers the other day and thought of someone I used to talk to all the time. I was at the hardware store the other day when a girl new who I was but I was clueless. It turned out to be the little sister of a good friend of mine from high school - remind you that was over 24 years ago. I was just amazed she recognized me. I just read an article yesterday (in my spare time!) that said if you have more than two friends you visit with/or see, you will live longer. So keep in touch, even when you have NO-SPARE-TIME!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Setting Goals

Do you always have to make your Goals? I have set a goal of hitting a 10 minute mile. That doesn't mean 10:42, or 10:31... it means 10:00 or less. I am running in the Willow Bay race on Saturday and hope to hit that goal. Do I have to make a new goal if I hit this one?

I am now debating on going to Fleet Feet this afternoon to get our race packet (my neice S is running in the race with me, a team!). They said Fleet Feet will have something extra for us. I would really really like a pair of running sunglasses from Fleet Feet. I would be happy with a pair of socks. I am sure it won't be either of these things but I am still temped to go just to see - hey it's something free. It is amazing what we will do for something free.

Monday, August 13, 2007

This year has been a big a many first for me. First I started running. Second I am blogging. Never thought I would do either. I am hooked on the running, upto 5 miles, lets see how I do on blogging. What will be next?