Sunday, June 28, 2009


I've never watched the show Survivor but I think I just lived through it.

1) Mortared, cut tile, hung tile in kitchen (about 15 feet x 2 feet)
2) Cleaned up from mess
3) Setup a tent
4) allowed two of my kids friends to sleep over
5) Found time to watch a little TV before knocking off at 10:00pm

1) Mopped stairs, cleaned dining room, clean wine rack over refrig.
2) grouted kitchen wall
3) cleaned up mess from kitchen
4) got my daughter, my niece, and my ear's pierces (2nd holes)
5) Setup another tent
6) made cupcakes and frosting
7) allowed five of my kids friends to sleep over
8) Found the energy to give my hubby some attention AND watch a little TV before knocking off at 12:30am

1) Went grocery shopping at 7:00am
2) bought pop-tarts for all eight children that slept at my house last night
3) made deviled eggs, homemade mac-n-cheese
4) cleaned kitchen again, setup for a party
5) had an afternoon quicky to keep the hubby happy
6) Picked up birthday cake
7) made dinner for 17 adults/children
8) Ate dinner BEFORE the rain hit.
9) Sang happy birthday, took pictures.
10) Cleaned up from party

1) Survived to tell this tail. Feet are very sore, eyes are burning from lack of sleep, back pain is just unbearable, my hands are dry like sandpaper. I think I got another grey hair. I think I lost four or five pounds. It is 7:45pm now. I am left with only the five humans, two cats, and two hermit crabs. Can I go to bed before the kids? Even the cats are sleeping.

No one was seriously injured in the making of this long weekend. We did however have a loss of many bandages to cover the bug bites from the children playing outside after dark. No major cuts from cutting tile with a sharp wet cutter that is more a eating machine. All interested parties are warned to NOT try this at home for it may be hazardous to your health (especially Mental health).

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Swamp Rat Race

I didn't run it (dang doctors!) but I guess I have to write about since all my children ran it. My oldest V-12 ran the 5k in only 38 minutes. It is her first, great START. S-10 ran the 1 mile in 12 minutes. A-6 ran the 1 mile in 10 minutes. I am proud of all of them. I told S that he couldn't run it as fast because he had his adnoids removed. He believed it. The "Really?" I got was so funny I hated to tell him NOT. He wanted some excuse to of been slower than his YOUNGER brother. I am afraid the competition is already beginning. Best run I've ever not run. All my friends M, H, D, and S came and ran it so the time just went way to fast. The ran held off until the end so it was just a littel chilly. I certainly can't complain.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My crazy life

So my family keeps growing. No I haven't gained weight, well maybe a little. Yes the kids are getting bigger but I'm not talking about them. We took in a little cat that was starving to death. She has become a welcome addition. Maybe K would not agree with the vet bill and the litter box - wow. How does a little thing like that make poo that smell the entire house. I never would think it is possible. I can't wait until she is well enough to kick her little furry but outside to do her business. How can I just get the kids to do that now!

So now we are two adults, three kids (that are getting bigger), two hermit crabs, and now two cats. I just can't take it anymore. I think I need a room to myself - no not the kitchen.

Running is going slowly since I can't seem to breath. I am thinking it might be allergies - like I need another excuse to not run. I told my good running buddy D to check when there is a 1/2 marathon in the fall so we can put it on our list. So although I almost died at the 5k I just ran this weekend (32 minutes) I am crazy enough to sign up for a 1/2 marathon. So instead of just 3 miles, I will add a "1" in front of it meaning "1" crazy women who is definitely lost her mind.

I know my kids are outside challenged. I have just banned my kids from the computer and TV and to go outside (and look what I am doing...). We get about 2 days of nice weather a year we better take advantage of it. My six year old comes in and sits down all bummed out. "Mom, there is nothing to do outside". I guess I better teach him how to run and run fast, there is always a 5k coming up.